More Praise and Confirmation from God!

The following was posted on the ladies’ private fellowship site at 3:00am this morning, and is certainly a confirmation of yesterday’s SOF post, so I felt it was important enough to share here too. Like the author said, it is probably a very important message for someone in particular, so I thank her for her obedience and willingness to let me share it here, and I hope and pray that someone will be blessed and encouraged by it…and know that we can’t possibly do better than just STAND on the TRUTH of God’s Word!

“I was writing this before I read Linda’s post from last night, and then I started to read the post and couldn’t believe how it seems to fit so much with that. God must want someone to really get this – don’t look at the circumstances and look to HIM. I was thinking that I would just share this with Linda, because I didn’t want it to seem that I was…I don’t know what – that I had too many great things happening. And God said to me “This isn’t about you; it is for MY GLORY.” So I hope this is encouragement to those of you that don’t see how God is working in your spouses lives. God has me up in the middle of the night posting this; He would not let me fall back to sleep, so someone must need to hear this. God is showing me how miserable HE is making my husband’s life. Some of you may believe the devil when he says your spouse is happier. Don’t; that is a lie. They can’t have any peace when they’re going against God’s will and living in sin. My husband is proof of that.

Yesterday he called a bunch of times, and a lot about the truck. He called early in the morning to see if I had it towed but he already knew that I would have. And then about 3 or 4 more times through the day. We arranged for me to pick up his truck since he was playing hockey and couldn’t get there in time. Thank you, Lord, that he asked me to help him out. I thank God for the open communication – another answered prayer. I brought the truck home, and it was running good. But when I went to meet him with it later, it wouldn’t start, so he came over and had to take our daughters car this time. God is hitting him hard with stuff breaking down.

One of the things I shared with my husband when we were talking that day last week, when I thought I had talked too much, was about coincidences. I said I believed God was responsible for all things and I actually shared my feelings about the needle thing, and told him that it was God. So he called again late tonight and said that things just keep getting worse and wondered if I have a voodoo doll of him. Funny how he thinks of me…Praise to God. Apparently he hit a curb and broke the power steering line on our daughter’s car and now he has to get that fixed too! He could have just got it fixed and not called to tell me, but thank you, Lord, that he did.

God has placed it on my heart that even those who don’t see His work in their spouses lives need to know that HE IS WORKING. Keep the faith and start talking things into existence. Call those things that aren’t as though they are. God will do the rest. I have done nothing – just been the one my husband could turned to to fix stuff. ALL for Gods Glory; praise the Lord. I hope this encourages you that God is faithful and He is working if you let Him be God. (Name Omitted)”

Response by Linda Wattu on March 27th, 2007 at 10:30 am
Yes, (Name Omitted), I’d say the Holy Spirit was DEFINITELY working through you and I agree – He obviously wants someone to get the message that we don’t have to do ANYTHING but love and trust God, and let our spouses go. He will deal with them and if they don’t catch on sooner rather than later, they WILL start to see things go down hill, just as (Name Omitted) and so many others in the ministry have seen happen with their spouses. Thank you so much for this awesome testimony! And look how God used what you thought was a bad thing for HIS glory! And the devil was trying to make you second guess what you felt led to share! Hmmm…April 1st is looking more and more like a possibility after all!!! LOL God is SO awesome!!!

Dear Lord, we praise your Holy name and we give YOU ALL the glory! Thank you for this great thing you have done! Not only is (Name Omitted) seeing his precious wife through new eyes, He is seeing and admiring the new creation you have made of her! We love you and thank you for all you have done and will continue to do in this marriage and family! And it is in the name of Jesus that we pray and give thanks. Amen.

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