Wow, God Is Amazing!

What a truly wonderful and blessed summer it’s been for FAM Fellowship members as we’ve witnessed God’s mighty hand moving so suddenly and supernaturally to restore one marriage after another! In the past week alone, we have been in utter awe and amazement as we read one breathtakingly miraculous Restored Marriage testimony after another and were blessed to share in the joy of the restoration of five of our members’ marriages–and there’s a sixth that hasn’t even been posted yet! That’s a new weekly record for FAMM and what joy and excitement it has created in our midst! We were also blessed by two awesome marriage restoration testimonies in July, so with those and the one shared here from June, by the power of God’s mighty hand, we have watched as nine marriages were miraculously restored before our very eyes this summer!

We also started putting our conference call line to good and godly use earlier in the summer and it’s quite obvious that we’ve been seeing the fruit of that labor as hearts and minds are changed, transformed and renewed by the power and promise of God’s Word! We started out the summer conference calls reading and studying Joyce Meyer’s book, The Battlefield of the Mind, on Friday nights. Dan’s been reading for us and then we have a time for discussion after each chapter and then at the end of the call, we share what impacted us the most about our study. And then I started hosting Bible studies on Monday nights, where we really get into the Word in depth and examine and consider how what we’re learning applies as we stand for the restoration of our marriages. And since it’s not possible for many of our members to join us, the calls are recorded and members can go back and listen to them whenever they want to. Of course, the goal of all of this is to make the Word of God come alive in our hearts, minds and spirits so that we can and will be blessed with all that Jesus Christ died and rose again to make possible in us, our lives and our marriages; so it’s a joy and thrill beyond description and compare to see that happening!

And since I just don’t have the time I’d love to devote to writing Seeds Of Faith posts as I did in the earlier years of the ministry, I have asked for permission to share some of our awesome and inspiring Restored Marriage testimonies here, and the one I’m sharing today is from a young man who was totally lost and had no sense of what to do when he first joined FAM soon after leaving the military and his separation. He even moved out of state and went back “home” after his separation, so I had to “persuade” him TWICE to get right back where he belonged and was blessed to watch how he took the counsel of God’s Word to heart and got his act together and prepared to be the husband and father he so longed to be. He and his wife were separated when he first joined the fellowship and were blessed with a brief time of restoration, which we knew nothing about until after they had separated again (the second time I had to get him to go back where he belonged! LOL!). But he learned a lot through that experience and truly got serious about his walk and relationship with the Lord and his stand for the full and complete restoration of his marriage; even though this time his wife had divorced him and was moving on with her life with someone else. BUT, as we always say around here…that wasn’t GOD’S plan! And God’s plan included blessing MNO (member name omitted) with the desires of his heart to be a dad and to see his marriage restored, so when he and his wife separated and divorced, what they didn’t know was that she was pregnant! And as only God could orchestrate, within days of her new relationship coming to an end, their baby had to be delivered thre months prematurely due to complications, and God used that to bring MNO and his wife back together. So here’s his awesome Restored Marriage testimony of how God worked so suddenly and powerfully in the worst of circumstances to bring about the best of circumstances for him and his family! I loved the title he chose above, because hearing something like “Wow” from MNO was a real big deal since he’s usually very low key! And I’m happy to report that they are planning to remarry and that even though their son did amazingly well from the very first day he was born, he had a bit of a set back due to a staph infection, but he is on the mend and we’re confident that he will be going home soon! So be blessed and encouraged…AND GET READY…GOD IS MOVING!


Hello Everyone,

I want to thank you all for your prayers, and SNO (spouse name omitted)wants to thank you as well. God has really been doing a lot in my life lately. Our son is still in the hospital and will have to stay a little longer. Even though he wasn’t supposed to be born until September 14th, he is doing great and the doctors can’t find anything wrong with him!

From what I’ve been told, they could not find his heartbeat, so they had to deliver him early. SNO said he always moved whenever the doctors put anything on her stomach and that he was just hiding. And he’s very active at his young age of just eight days old! He was born weighing one pound and twelve ounces and is now two pounds and one ounce.

Before all of this took place (about three weeks ago), I received a phone call from the NCP. I didn’t know who it was at first because it was around midnight when he called. But he called to apologize for messing up my family and for causing so many problems. He said it was not his place to raise this child and that he had broken up with my wife and had to call to tell me that he was sorry. That’s when things started to change and a few days later, my wife sent the ultrasound pictures that I’d been waiting for. I never said anything to her about the NCP, but it was obvious that there was a change in her.

She was hospitalized the following week after a visit to the doctor, and our son was born two days later. I really wasn’t sure what was going to happen since SNO and I hadn’t talked in six months. But I was able to see my son when he was born, and it is truly amazing just to look at him; yet it still hasn’t quite settled in that I’m a dad! Since he was born prematurely, I had to have a wrist band to visit him and I didn’t have one. So, when he was three days old, I texted my wife to ask if she would take me down to see him and she said yes. And when I arrived at the hospital, we talked for an hour even though we had not talked for more than ten minutes in the previous six months up to that point, and that was just once.

Since then, we have been going to the hospital together to see our son every day, and we are constantly talking and making plans together for raising our son together. It seems that in one instant, things changed so completely and so quickly. It was definitely not the way I saw it coming, but as always, God’s plans are far better than ours. SNO believes that God brought our son into this world early to bring us back together since there is absolutely nothing wrong with him, and if he wasn’t here, we would not be talking again. I really don’t know what to say other than, “Wow, God is amazing!”

So I’m very happy to claim that my marriage is restored and, Linda, you can move us over to the restored marriage list! This is truly an amazing time, and I know that it was only God that could have done something like this. I am thankful every day for what He has done, and I look forward to the many wonders I know He will continue to do. And I’ll do my best to update you all as much as I can. I’m really sorry that it took so long to post this, and I finally just had to make an effort to give God the praise He deserves!

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