Sharing another VERY Powerful Message from Lorraine Ezell

I meant to share this last Friday, but it was a crazy day since I was very busy and I had a problem with Outlook Express and lost a lot of email in my inbox (and can’t read much of what’s left) that day. But this is such a powerful message that I went to Lorraine’s site to copy it and share it here. By the way, you can read all of her archived Coffee Break devotionals here. Anyone who have talked to me much at all, know that I am convinced that what we do with the Word of God is the key to EVERYTHING ELSE in our lives, including the restoration of our marriages; so it’s no wonder that I so appreciated the following message from Lorraine. Read it, take it to heart and you wil without a doubt be blessed and encouraged beyond belief!


“It Will Change You” by Lorraine Ezell
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2

Yesterday I passed by a church and the sign on the marquee said, “You won’t change His message, but His message will change you.” So many people try to “change” God’s word and make it say what they want it to say. They try to twist it to where it will condone what they do. They try to make it fit their situation. They try to make it line up with what they desire. Try as you may, God’s word is unchanging. You may try to make it mean one thing, but God will always judge you through His word by what He means and says.

The reason some try to do this is because they think that if they can “change” it, then it won’t change them- because basically they don’t want to change and line up with it. You can’t read the word or hear the word- the true, uncompromised, un-waterd down, kept in context word- and it not bring about change in your life. The word will convict, it will reprove, it will instruct, it will correct, it will guide and it will provoke you to righteousness. When you read or hear the word you will either have to conform to it or rebel against it.

As you conform your live to the teachings, statues and commands of God’s word a change will come, a transformation will take place in you. Your actions, your attitude, your speech, your way of thinking will all begin to change. You won’t be the same person you once were- which is the goal. The word is intended to bring such a transformation in you as you allow it to do it’s work in you through heeding and applying it to your life that you will no longer look like you, but like its Author- Jesus.

In conclusion I want to ask a question- are you trying to change God’s word to make it say, fit and line up with what you want, or are you allowing it to do a change in you; a transforming change?

Have a great day. God’s word is eternal and forever established, it will not change, but if you will let it, it will change you.
For further reading:
Psalm 119:89-93, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, James 1:23-25, Matthew 7:24 and 2 Peter 1:1-8


Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell, and available online and sent by email free of charge for the asking from About the Master’s Business Ministry, Inc.
So please feel free to call Lorraine at (601) 833-5278 or E-mail her at
And you can visit her on the web at

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