Sharing Another Great Message of Restoration and New Beginnings!

(Note from Linda: I just LOVE this message from Glenn Jackson, and know you all will as well! So be blessed and encouraged…AND GET READY…GOD IS MOVING!!!)


….”whatever is not from faith is sin”…. Romans 14:23b NASB
….”If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action]”…. 1 John 1:9 The Amplified Translation
….”And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love [who continually obey] God, to those who are called according to His purpose”…. Romans 8:28 NASB
….”If you love Me, you will keep My commandments”…. John 14:15 NASB

Any “consequences” of our previous sin[s] that still remain are now but “tools” in the Father’s hand to not only rectify that situation [or situations] in the best way possible, but also to bring forth “fruit” from our diligent efforts in love and faith that will bring forth God’s greatest eternal benefit – both in our lives and in the lives of all those with whom we have [or have had] to do with. Any “consequences” that one is still dealing with MUST be brought to the foot of the Cross KNOWING that in EVERY way the precious Blood of Jesus and the grace of God are more than sufficient to overcome – even the most seemingly impossible circumstances and situations. As one seeks [and gains] a revelation from the Throne Room concerning whatever “consequence” they are still faced with from their previous activities [which were carried out apart from the Holy Spirit] and, then, they begin to set their heart in love on the Father’s highest will and most holy purpose for all involved THEN, as the days and weeks go by, they will be entirely delivered from any “bad feelings”, memories, scars or effects of their words or actions.
From this place of healing in their own lives they shall then become a vessel of healing and light [revelation] to the greatest “possible” degree to all those in their “past” – regardless of how tragic or horrible the situations they were facing had been. When one factors in that we are about to experience the greatest outpouring of God’s presence in the earth [and that all things are truly possible to the one that will only believe] THEN one can “begin” to understand the potentially staggering possibilities for the “restoration” of the lives that have been hurt – or, at the very least been affected in adverse ways. This is the time of perfect restoration – particularly in “relationships” and, as the love of the Father is poured forth in “torrents” through His holy vessels, we shall most certainly begin to see amazing miracles in this area. So to all those whose deepest desire is the forsaking of all unforgiveness in their own lives and the “restoration” of all those with whom they have to do – seek the Father on any consequences [circumstances that may still be attempting to cling to you and hinder you from coming into the fullness of His plan.
In both gaining the necessary revelation, and setting yourself in that holy place of abiding in love, you shall soon see great and mighty events in your life and circumstances – events that shall be a great sign and wonder to all those who have crossed – and who will cross – your path. The Father will surely turn all that the Devil meant for your greatest harm into His greatest good and purpose for you as you continue on in obedience. This is indeed the hour wherein the seemingly impossible will become possible. Let faith and patience rule your life and you will surely inherit the fullness of the Father’s promise in all things.
Related Scriptures: Hebrews 6:11-12


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