Do NOT Give in to Doubt and Discouragement…TRUST GOD!

I just had to take a minute to share this powerful message from Glenn Jackson, because he expressed so well the consequences of whether we choose to dwell and focus on our problems or the power and promise of our God!!! This is such a VITALLY important message for everyone standing for marriage restoration and against the work of the devil for anything in the spiritual realm! So be blessed and encouraged as you read the following…and go to his site and sign up to receive one or more of his daily messages; they will without a doubt keep you focused on the Word and that’s where the victory awaits all of us as Christians! And never forget that there is ALWAYS and undeniable correlation between the reality of our lives and the time we spend in God’s Word…and in the DOING of it!!!


The Life Of Faith And The Glorious Church December 4th 2008
….”For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens towards the goal, and it will not fail [lie]. Though it tarries, wait [patiently] for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay [be one second longer than it takes for the Father to accomplish His perfect purpose]”…. Habakkuk 2:3 NASB
One of the “spirits” that is attacking all those in the Church who have been holding fast to the vision and plan that the Father has given them is called a “strong spirit of doubt and unbelief” [double-mindedness], and is always sent when Satan and his schemes are in total disarray and defeat [which they are] – in one last futile effort to stop the “fullness” of the Father’s will coming into manifestation in the physical realm. What this spirit seeks to operate from is ANY trace of remaining ground [fear – pride – rebellion] they can find in the child of God they are sent against. As the child of God remains rooted and grounded in the Word of God, and their confession of that Word remains strong then it is certain that the scheme of Satan against them shall fall far, far short of the goal – almost to the point where the one who will “hold fast” at all cost to themselves to the will of God in the face of the attack will wonder in their heart, “Is that the best that the Devil can come up with?” Other than a few unpleasant “feelings” and a bit of “discomfort” experienced [for they already have a “revelation” in their heart of the Father’s will] the faithful child of God will then enter into glorious victory and a superabundant joy – thus completing the total devastation of Satan and his schemes, and bringing forth the full manifestation of their travail in the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, this “spirit of doubt and unbelief” will take the unrepentant child of God who is not “rooted and grounded” in the Word of God and easily move them to place far outside the center of the Father’s will – wherein, “eventually”, the forces of evil can kill, destroy or steal from them at will. Let us be those who are found “abiding” in an absolute faith and trust in the Word of God – for it is in this way alone that we will be continually empowered to rise above the evil spirits sent against us in this hour to take us out of the perfect will of the Father for our life and ministry.
Related Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 5:7; John 20:24-29;

You can visit Glenn on the web at this link, where you can read (and even listen to) so many more of his powerful messages and sign up to receive them every day of the week by email.

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