Fear not…BELIEVE ONLY! by Diane Miller

I started this post last week, and ended up losing it, but after reading another post about faith, I felt that I should try it again. I have been re-reading a book by Mark Hankins called The Spirit of Faith, Turning Defeat into Victory and Dreams into Reality. I had read it a while ago and God kept showing me messages about faith in Him and how we can do everything He calls us to do. After reading a response wondering if all of this was real…I can say that if we have faith in God, He gives us a life that seems like a dream, because He turns our dreams into reality and gives us victory.

Faith declares the outcome before the battle even gets started. So we need to keep speaking those victories into reality. The more we speak positively, the more our faith in God grows and we see amazing things happen. And faith declares the outcome in the middle of the battle. It isn’t only when things are going good that we need to have faith. We need to keep building our faith so that when things come up, as they always do, we already know the outcome; VICTORY Through HIM

Winning the war of words is necessary to win the war of faith. (1 Timothy 6:12) Don’t wait any longer before you use your faith to lay hold of what God intends for you. Refuse to give the devil one inch to defeat you or discourage you. Fight the good fight of faith; stay in total faith that nothing is too hard for God. Do not get into how you feel, what you see or your circumstances. Stay in faith because that is where we receive our victories. God causes us to be victorious because through Christ we are victorious.

We are free of all of our fears, by the BLOOD. When faith comes, fear goes. Faith in God is faith in His word. Believe everything He says, and speak with the voice of faith, because faith is voice-activated. Speak to the spirit of fear; say that you believe God, you have no doubt and that you are victorious.

Get a grip on the spirit of faith; catch it and keep it! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Romans10:17) When faith comes, so do the blessings, healing, and joy; and fear goes. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

When we don’t know what is happening or what is going to happen next, we are told to fear not and believe only. We can’t control what is happening or what our spouse is doing, but we can control how we act. We can stand in faith that God is working it out for good; that He is in control and that He loves us. When the devil tries to tell you that it is over, tell him that Jesus says it is not over; it has just been delayed for a bit. “Fear not…believe only” has been so powerful in my life. You cannot have faith and fear at the same time. And I pray that you choose faith over fear every time.

The lady with the issue of blood believed that if she touched Jesus, she would have healing; Jesus healed her because she had faith. Her faith made her whole and it still has the same power today. “According to your faith…” has definitely been shown huge to us here at FAMM. The more we believe, the stronger our faith is and we see amazing things come our way. We continue to witness God’s hand moving in the ministry, in jobs, homes being saved at the last minute, money issues being solved, families being restored, and even belly aches disappearing. I have faith that God is not done and that He will complete every good work He has started.

When people wonder if we are real, we are creating a testimony for the glory of God for them to see. So I pray that we stand in faith that God will do exactly what He has said and that nothing is too hard for HIM. In the natural, there may be no way, but with God, He makes a way where there seems to be no way. So I pray that you get mountain moving faith, because Jesus said that whosoever believes can say to those mountains move and they will be removed, and cast into the sea if we do not doubt in our heart, but believe what God has said will come to pass. Something I read today that spoke to me is that faith will not necessarily prevent all mountains in our lives, but it will move them! God is looking for people to believe, and I know that HE has found that here at FAMM. So be encouraged, have faith that God is working no matter what you see, feel or hear and be blessed. We don’t have to make things happen; we just have to rest in Him and LET it happen. So enter into the rest of God and watch His hand work miracles in every part of your lives. HE has good things planned for each and every one of us, so I wait with anticipation for many more praises to be shared. Have “joy unspeakable!” Your situation has an end and God will be right there with you through it ALL. Keep saying that you are who God says you are, that You have what God says you have, and that you can do all He says to do. Keep walking in faith and enjoy this journey with HIM. The victory is OURS!

One Response

  1. response by Margaret     

    I am blessed! May God add faith.

    Thank you, Linda, for being there to encourage people. Glory to God…you are such a blessing to me!

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