Another Prodigal Comes Home!

This is just a quick post to give praise and honor to our most awesome Lord and Savior and to thank Him for His ever lasting faithfulness! I received a message from one of the FAM members this morning saying that her husband had very unexpectedly moved back home the day before Thanksgiving! He just came home without any notice or explanations and she’s been wise enough not to ask any questions; when he’s ready, he’ll tell her. But in the meanwhile, she really needs our prayers as she does her best to walk out the principles of marriage restoration all the time now instead of just those times when she would see her husband, and she says the devil is already on the attack, but she has been able to resist and remain quiet and loving! And this is another testimony we all need to pay very close attention to, because not many days before moving home, her husband had been telling her he didn’t love her and he just wanted to be happy and he didn’t think he could be happy with her! She had absolutely no warning and certainly had no idea he was coming home, so we ALWAYS need to be prepared for the unexpected and never forget that God does indeed act SUDDENLY!

And perhaps everyone else will be as blessed as I was by Small Straws from Marsha Burns yesterday, which says:
November 27, 2006: In a vision I saw six angels flying low above a road. They were
in a similar “v” formation to that of geese. They had long flowing robes of white,
and each blew a long, silver trumpet. I sensed that this was a very joyful occasion,
and on the road was a lone individual walking on the road and leaping and dancing
and praising God because the way has been opened with God’s angels leading the way.
As I watched this journeyman expressing his joy, there were people coming out of
the forest from both sides of the road to join him in praise. These people had been
hidden in the obscurity of the forest, but were now coming out into the open because
they knew that way had been made for their long-awaited promises to be fulfilled.
Soon I saw an entire company of people leaping and dancing and praising God for His

You can read Small Straws each week day at this link, or you can sign up to receive it by email each day.

Be blessed and encouraged! And NEVER give up on God and ALL of the miraculous things that ARE possible with Him, because He will NEVER disappoint you or let you down!

5 Responses

  1. response by Mary     

    When I read the Marsha Burns email yesterday, I thought of our family coming “out of the woods” and celebrating with us once again. It has been almost 10 years that my husband and I have been apart. During this time we have had contact off and on, There have been times we were together as a family (just our kids and us) and with the whole family at gatherings, but that has not happened in a very long time. Right now, he is in a rehab for his addictions. He was to be home for Thanksgiving, but called the day before to say he was trying to get into rehab. I was blest to have a few conversations with him on the phone before he left and was able to express my love for him, my faith that we would heal with God’s help and encouragement. Please keep Greg in your prayers, and that his insurance will pay for all the time he needs, that his heart will be healed and he will come back to God and home. Needless to say, there are many strongholds that must be broken for this to happen, but God can and WILL!


  2. response by Linda Wattu     

    Mary, that was indeed an awesome word from Marsha and like you, I found it so easy to visualize people leaping and rejoicing and how the number of people just kept growing as we went along! We will definitely keep you and your family in our prayers and ask for the Lord to help your husband as he works to overcome his addictions. Yes, they can be a stronghold in our lives, but we are blessed and fortunate to know the one who can break and overcome all strongholds and all obstacles, and that is Jesus! Be blessed and encouraged, and we hope to hear your restoration testimony soon as well. In His Love, Linda

  3. response by Mary     

    Thank you Linda!
    I have to tell you satan is really working on me!
    Greg was able to call us on Thanksgiving day and then later that nite. He didnt think he would be able to call. We havent heard from him since and all those thoughts keep popping into my mind making me crazy.

    I also talked with his sister the nite he went. We havent spoken for years.
    This has been especially hard on me and the kids since she is a Catholic nun and hasn’t shown us any support for our marriage, in fact has been in communication with some of the women that Greg has been in his addiction with
    I sent her an email asking to meet and have not gotten a response yet.
    I am praying for some healing for all of us as we travel the road to complete restoration.

  4. response by Linda Wattu     

    Mary, the two things that came to my mind as I read your last response are that you need to take those troublesome thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ…the word, and that you may need to focus more on forgiveness. Because harboring any unforgiveness toward your sister-in-law for any reason separates you from the Lord and hinders your prayers and the hope and expectation you have for the restoration you want. I hope you listened to the message from Charles Stanley included in my post from Monday about forgiveness, because it’s very important for all Christians, but especially when we have to deal with the issues of adultery, abandonment and betrayal often involved in our marital situations. So please read Monday’s post again and see if it ministers to you during this time of testing, and perhaps it will be helpful as you work toward the restoration of all family relationships. Remember, God’s healing and restoration process begins with us and we’re able to lead others to Him as they see the Lord’s work manifested in us as we change to reveal His love, mercy and goodness in us. In His Love, Linda

  5. response by Mary     


    You are so right about forgiveness. I have really been trying to work on that, which may be a reason I had asked to meet with my SIL.
    Though disappointing, I will not give up!
    Thanks for your message. I was not able to listen to Dr Stanley. The computer is not my strong area.


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