Trusting and Relying on God’s Spiritual Law of Reaping and Sowing

In response to Thursday’s SOF post, one of our ladies shared a link to an awesome message from Beth Moore, which was SO good that I want to share links to all three messages from Beth’s series called The Law of the Harvest. These messages speak to everyone standing for marriage restoration on SO many levels, and address many of the issues that challenge us, because they provide the understanding, inspiration, and encouragement we really need in our deepest and darkest hours of despair, frustration, anger, and discouragement, or when we’re so tired we just want to quit! And they apply to many life situations other than standing for marriage restoration as well.

Beth Moore is the guest speaker every Wednesday on the Life Today program with James and Betty Robison, and these messages are provided through links on their website, which you can find at at this link.

The Law of the Harvest, Part 1, focuses on Psalm 126, and Beth delivers an awesome message about God’s PROMISE that when we sow seeds in a time of tears, we WILL return with sheaths of joy! She uses Genesis 8:22 to remind us of God’s spiritual law of the harvest, and that we’re now sowing what we will reap later. And when she used Galatians 6:7-9 to remind us that God WILL NOT be mocked, I noticed something in the last verse I always overlooked the importance of, because it says we WILL reap a harvest IF we don’t give up! And that’s a VERY important word for anyone standing for marriage restoration, because it explains why the devil focuses SO much energy on trying to get us to give up! He does NOT want us to reap the GUARANTEED harvest that comes when we sow God’s word into our hearts and reality WITHOUT giving up!

And we need to praise the Lord for the wisdom He gave Beth to understand that it’s not likely we can study sowing and reaping without Satan reminding us of all of the rotten fleshly seeds we’ve sown in the past, which she reminds us we CAN overcome through confession, repentance and praying for God’s mercy. As she said, we are very fortunate, because God does not deal with us as our sin deserves, according to Psalm 103, and what an AWESOME promise she found for all of us in Matthew 15:13, which says He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. So we can ask and count on our heavenly Father to pull up by the roots everything in our lives He didn’t plant, and we can start choking out the fleshly crop we’ve sown by sowing a more abundant crop of spiritual seed! What an awesome message! Don’t miss it! And for those who like to see things in writing, here’s a link to the transcript of the above message from Wednesday, May 10, 2006.

In The Law of the Harvest, Part 2, Beth focuses even more on Psalm 126:5, which says Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. So we are GUARANTEED in the word of God that we WILL reap a harvest of joy! And Beth reminds us that Luke 8:11 says “This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. In other words, God’s promise and “the law of the harvest” assures us that sowing the seed of God’s word in difficult seasons WILL produce a harvest of joy!

However, Beth makes a very important point with excellent illustrations, which is that we quite often “eat” the word of God instead of “sowing” it into the day to day reality of our lives. In other words, we might hear it and believe it; it might really speak to us about a certain issue or situation (often even making us laugh or cry), it might comfort or encourage us in a time of need, and it often makes us feel much better, but it fails to cause meaningful and lasting change in our lives. Beth uses some very powerful illustrations to make the vitally important point that eating (hearing and receiving) the word will not help us reap the harvest of joy. ONLY SOWING (DOING what it teaches) the word can do that, as James 1:19-25 explains and confirms, because it says My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.

This is an awesome and critically important message for everyone standing for marriage restoration, because NO matter how much Bible study we do, if we DON’T practice and DO what the word teaches us, it has NO power to work in our lives and bring about the harvest we want. So I hope everyone will listen to this message, taking it to heart and learning how to be DOERS (sowers) of the word, so we can reap God’s GARANTEED harvest of joy! And here’s the transcript to the above message from Wednesday, May 17, 2006.

In The Law of the Harvest, Part 3, Beth makes the very important point that God’s word is FOR us, and it’s meant to give us freedom and for our good, not to restrict our enjoyment of life as it might appear when we are deceived by looking at the lifestyles of those who are not living in accordance with His word.

Beth really helps us understand that we’ll all face times of testing and temptation, and how they are literal crossroads where we’ll have to decide whether or not we will sow the word, no matter how hard it is, even if it feels like it will kill us. That’s when we have to make a decision to BELIEVE God, and so the seed of His word if we want to reap the harvest of His promise. Beth makes the very important point that death is ALWAYS a part of the sowing process, especially when we have to give up our right to be furious or our claim of victimization, which we never want to do because it feels like we’re letting someone get away with something wrong. But That’s when we have to decide if we really believe God and His promise that if we lose our life, we will find it. And I agree with Beth that the harder the test God gives us, the greater the effects will be when we pass the test. And the harder the test, the greater the glory, especially when it is a test we specifically prayed to be delivered from and the Lord allowed it anyway. And she reminds us that there are likely to be times when we have to sow the seed of God’s word all by ourselves, with no one else but us and God. But that is often what it takes to produce the awesome harvest of joy we want, which is why it is so important for us to KNOW it WILL happen! So this is a wonderful message of encouragement, especially when we think we’re at the end of our rope and we just want to give up. Beth really helps us understand what is at stake and how awesome the reward will be if we just hold onto the Lord and His word, believing and trusting Him to be faithful to deliver on His promises! So I encourage everyone to listen to this message and sow the promise of God’s word into our hearts and the reality of our lives. And here’s the transcript of the above message from Wednesday, May 24, 2006.

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