Peace And Victory Are NOT Possible Without Trust

This week Joyce Meyer’s TV broadcast is featuring messages from her 2005 Women’s Conference, and it has been AWESOME! Her basic focus has been freedom, but what she’s talking about goes a LOT deeper than that. And as happens SO often, she discusses issues many of the FAM members can relate to. So I wholeheartedly URGE EVERYONE to MAKE the time to listen to all of her messages this week, especially The Secret to Freedom – Part I, May 3rd and today’s message, The Secret to Freedom – Part II, May 4th.

If you listen to all of the messages this week, you will hear Joyce make a reference to “free will”, which surprised me, but in the context she used it, it isn’t something I disagree with, so I’ll post something about that at a later time. Even though we don’t have free will, as the doctrine of free will teaches it, we do have a LOT of choices to make, especially when it comes to our choice to be obedient or not, and the choice we make whether or not to live the victorious life, filled with peace that passes ALL understanding, that Jesus died to give us. And that is NOT possible without unshakeable, childlike trust in our AWESOME Lord and Savior!

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