A Prayer For Marriages

The following prayer is from Kimberly and Robert Pinkney, who are prayer warriors affiliated with the World Intercessory Network, which sends prayers out worldwide every day by email. I greatly appreciate their permission to share it with visitors to this site, because this is the kind of prayer we all should be praying every day for the restoration of the holy covenant of marriage, because it is the fabric that holds our society together, as was ordained by God.

Dear Father,
We thank you for this day; for this is the day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. For you, Oh Lord, are great and greatly to be praised. Your mercy endures forever. Your tender mercies extend to all generations. Your compassion is extended to our children’s children. We thank you, Lord, and we bless your Holy Name. For you are great; you do miracles so great; there is no one else like you; there is no one else like you. You deserve the glory, and the honor, and we lift our hearts in worship to you today. Thank you Lord for making such a beautiful day for us to enjoy your goodness and mercy. Our hearts are open in worship to you all day long.
We pray for marriages, dear Father. We pray for husbands and wives to be convicted in their hearts and begin to pattern their attitude toward their spouses after your Word. We pray for men to love their wives as Christ loved the Church, and gave himself for it. We pray for men not to be selfish but to consider the best interest of their wives and their children. We pray for men not to grow weary in working hard to take care of their families spiritually, emotionally and financially. Help them to see it not only as their reasonable service but also as an investment that will pay rich dividends when their children become grown, fully functioning members of society, prosperous as a result of their commitment to your Word.
We pray for wives to submit to their husbands, praying diligently (and in faith) for their husbands to be once and for all committed to the Word and character of Christ. Help them to walk in love, refraining from nagging or complaining. Help them to come up with creative ways to facilitate their husbands’ relationship with you. May they be the mothers that you have called them to be, and help them to realize that any job is secondary to being a mother, and that being a mother is the most important thing they can ever do in their lives. Help fathers to realize the same thing about being a father. We thank you Lord for anointing marriages so that burdens and yokes that get in the way of a Godly marriage and home may be removed and destroyed.
Lord, we understand that families are so crucial to the establishment of your will upon the earth, and that you ordained families. We also know that marriages are an integral part of the family structure. For this reason, we pray fervently for a powerful restoration of marriages in our nation today. We pray against all the opposing forces–in the natural and in the spirit–that routinely come against marriages.
We love you, Lord, and we honor you. And we fully expect the help of the Holy Spirit in our marriages today. We ask these things, expecting to receive according toMark 11:23-24,in Jesus’ Name. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

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