Understanding the Importance of Our Spiritual Growth

A FAM Fellowship member recently shared two podcasts from Dr. Charles Stanley on the private site that I hadn’t heard before, and they really touched me personally. So I want to share them here because I think Dr. Stanley very powerfully summed up what I’ve always felt was an essential and often missing element of our lives as Christians. And I urge everyone to make note of the list he provided and work to accomplish them because as MNO (member name omitted) realized and acknowledged, doing so will be important in preparing you and accomplishing the restoration of your marriage.

And since I’m sure visitors to our public site can and will relate to MNO’s testimony, I’ve asked her permission to share it below as follows:


Hi Everyone,

I want to share two podcasts I listened to earlier this week from Charles Stanley on Testing our Spiritual Growth; in which he shared a list of things to write down so we could evaluate our spiritual growth.

The first one on the list was that we know we’re growing in our relationship to Christ when we’re increasingly aware of our sinfulness and our weakness. When I first came to FAMM in August, I was a broken person, and just saw myself as a woman whose husband had walked out and quit on our marriage. Sure, I knew I wasn’t perfect, but I came here feeling rejected, abandoned and angry. Though it took me quite a few months of Linda guiding me to Scripture about looking at the log in my own eye, reading Love and Respect and about what God expected of me as a submissive wife, it eventually broke me to REALLY see myself and the part I played in the failure of my marriage. But as painful as it was (and it was painful!), it enabled me to see SNO (spouse name omitted) in a new light. And I truly believe that revelation has changed our relationship so much that my husband now comes into the house when he picks up our daughter and stays for about ten minutes or so.

I recently reminded SNO that we didn’t need to go to a case management hearing scheduled for this week if he’d just give me a written proposed settlement agreement, which would save money and then he could go ahead with the divorce. When he emailed me about that later, he said he was glad that we’re much more amicable .

Dr. Stanley encouraged writing down the steps he suggested to evaluate our spiritual growth, so I’m going to listen again because I didn’t write them down and don’t remember all of them and know that I still have to work on the rest of them.

I also realized how important accomplishing the steps in my personal spiritual growth Dr. Stanley listed are if I expect a complete restoration of my marriage. Although I have progressed since coming to FAMM, I can see that there’s still so much more that God has to work on in me in order to complete His perfect work in me and then in my marriage.

So I really encourage you all to listen to these messages!


Note from Linda: I was greatly impacted by both messages MNO mentioned above because they affirm so much of what I’ve believed and understood for years! So please do listen to them because Dr. Stanley once again knocked this one right out of the park!

Testing Our Spiritual Growth – Part 1
Testing Our Spiritual Growth – Part 2
Testing Our Spiritual Growth – Part 1
Testing Our Spiritual Growth – Part 2

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